In the Disney film Frozen, Anna is a free-spirited daydreamer determined to save her kingdom from eternal winter. Here, the loveable character sparkles in her signature outfit, which girls will recognise from the film. Her elaborate gown features a rich, multi-colored bodice decorated with vibrant pink swirls, sparkles and flowers. Annas bright blue skirt is accented with designs inspired by traditional Norwegian rosemaling. The removable skirt falls just above Annas ankles, showing off her stylish yet snow-friendly black boots, which feature adorable moulded lace detail. Because Anna hails from a frozen land, she comes with the appropriate accessories to keep her warm: a pink cape with high black collar and a golden clasp. Her beautiful hair is styled in two classic braids and topped with a sparkling pink tiara. Girls will love reenacting Anna’s adventures from the film or creating new ones for this spirited and inspiring character. Doll cannot stand alone.
Aus dem Disney-Kinofilm “Die Eiskönigin”
Beruht auf dem Märchen “Die Schneekönigin”
Anna trägt das typische Filmkostüm
Ab 3 Jahren